Most of you are aware that the month of September is “National Life Insurance Awareness Month”. The question I want each of you as an agent is “What does that mean to me?”.
I hope it means opportunity! Most people only really think of life insurance at 3 times during their lives:
Getting Married – Where there is love there is a need for life insurance.
Purchase a Home – We often call it Mortgage Protection, but it is probably the best opportunity we have to discuss life insurance. Especially because Living Benefits can protect their home if they become sick.
Birth of a Child – Even if a prospect does not want to leave a spouse money. I have never seen a parent that does not want the best for their children. Most often prospects want to provide for their children’s needs and college education.
So, when we look at these items it can appear the window to discuss life insurance with your clients is relatively small. However, during September, we are offered a whole month to help educate our current clients and new prospects on Life Insurance with Living Benefits. The key to this month is education! Because the public in general people have many misconceptions about life insurance. When they are dispelled these individuals most often times see they not only need life insurance, but they can afford it as well.
What are the common misconceptions?
- Life Insurance is Expensive – The #1 reason people give for not having life insurance is of course price. Studies show 86% of those who do not have Life Insurance give price as the reason. The same study shows these individuals believe the cost to be DOUBLE what it is in today’s market.
- Underwriting Process is long, difficult, and inconvenient – The image of long-time consuming applications and all-day medical exam still exists in people. When asked 54% of consumers said they would most likely buy Life Insurance if there was not a long Physical Exam required. It is our job to make them aware that because of advances in the underwriting process we can get them up to a One Million Dollar ANICO policy without a medical exam in about 50 % of cases. When an exam is required, it only about an hour and the examiner will come to them at home or work on whatever day and time is convenient for them. (Weekends or Evenings)
- I will not be Here – Some people are single and do not have a family but with Living Benefits Life insurance could very well save their life or keep them from financial ruin.
How can I take advantage of the opportunity presented to us by “National Life Insurance Awareness Month”
- Change your habits – We talk a lot about how much Life Insurance is sold by State Farm. The reason they can do this is so simple. They ask! They ask every customer and prospect. Can you imagine the results if you did the same? You are their health insurance agent and have earned their trust. Make use of this relationship to educate all of your current customers and each of your future prospects.
- Many Agents think of Life insurance as Death Insurance. With Living Benefits Life Insurance could very well be a life saver. Giving clients the funds to seek out treatment Medical Insurance may not cover.
- Make calls each day to your current clients educating them on the many misconceptions about life insurance and all of the amazing new benefits from living benefits. - Send emails out to current clients containing information on how affordable Life Insurance is for their family.
- Make Life with Living Benefits a part of every proposal you make to new prospects.
These are just a few of many things you can do to take advantage of the opportunity offered by “National Life Insurance Awareness Month”.
Any questions on requirements and certifications please ask your manager or contact sales support in the home office. (772) 546 – 2299