Marketing to the Medicare DSNP Market

Written by Amanda Simpson | Jun 17, 2021 5:49:14 PM

Even agents that are “Medicare Specialists” tend to neglect extraordinary sales opportunities in the DSNP market. Florida Blue offers DSNP plans in many counties in Florida and will be adding even more in 2021. Taking the time to learn about this specific market space can greatly increase your income this year. The DSNP market has a unique feature that helps you as an agent. The individuals on Medicare and Medicaid (DSNP Prospects) can switch plans four times per year. (Once per Quarter)

To build your D-SNP book of business, you will want to focus your efforts on two main objectives:

  1. Utilizing grassroots marketing
  2. Providing superior customer service. 

Grassroots marketing involves going out into the community where prospective clients are, engaging with them, as well as forming relationships with other professionals in the community who can refer prospective clients to you. Make sure you schedule time each week to be out in your communities the time you invest will pay off ten fold.

Some Good strategies include: 

  • Volunteering at food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens, and charity events 
  • Visiting community centers, retirement communities, and areas with low-incoming housing 
  • Hanging tear-off flyers or business cards on bulletin boards at indoor flea markets, thrift stores, or churches 
  • Forming partnerships with churches, provider offices, non-profit organizations, and retailers 
  • Setting up your own booth at community events 
  • Holding educational events and sales events 

Where Can You Find D-SNP Prospects? 

Since welfare programs and Social Security disburse payments near the beginning of the month, you should be able to find D-SNP prospects in places where dual-eligible spend money during the first half of the month. During the second half of the month, you should be able to find them at places where dual-eligible seek assistance. Understanding this information will help you determine where to spend your marketing time.

First Half of the Month: (1
st – 15th)

  • Dollar stores (e.g., Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and Family Dollar) 
  • Discount stores (e.g., Walmart, Kmart, Price Rite, etc.) 
  • Thrift shops and flea markets 

Second Half of the Month: (16
th – 31st)

  • Food pantries 
  • Food banks 
  • Soup kitchens 

Anytime Throughout the Month: 

  • Utility assistance locations 
  • Community events (e.g., senior expos and health fairs) 
  • Charity events 
  • Churches or other faith-based organizations 
  • Areas with low-income housing 
  • Senior centers 
  • Retirement communities 

Dedicated Senior Center

Compass Health has partnered up with our local Dedicated Senior Centers throughout Florida. This is a HUGE opportunity to generate Medicare Advantage sales.

Our Florida Blue Medicare Certified agents are being paired up with Dedicated Marketing Growth Consultants to work events and tabletops to bring in prospects to their centers. Dedicated only takes Medicare Advantage HMO's and are only contracted with few carriers, including Florida Blue. The agent / MGC's role in working together is vital. Their MGC's lean on us as agents to enroll the prospects into the MAPD plan. Our job as agents is to help encourage and educate our clients on the VIP concierge style facility and to set up tours of the centers with your assigned MGC for the clients. If you have not taken a tour of your local center, please reach out to me in the home office and I will help you coordinate with your local MGC.

Medicare will be an interictal part of the growth in Health Insurance sales as the largest generation (Baby Boomers) retires over the next decade. Take the time to both educate yourself on this market space and market to it. As you can see there are many approaches just in the DSNP market. We will be hosting webinars on Medicare Mondays over the next few weeks on Turning 65 prospects so stay tuned.

Any questions on requirements and certifications please ask your manager or contact sales support in the home office. (772) 546 – 2299