Make sure your Florida Blue Medicare Certifications are complete in your Florida Blue Learning Portal
- 2022 AEP Medicare Core Curriculum
- 2022 AEP Medicare Product Curriculum
What changes can you make during AEP?
During AEP, you can:
- change from original Medicare (Part A and Part B) to a Medicare Advantage plan
- change from a Medicare Advantage plan back to original Medicare
- switch to a different Medicare Advantage plan
- switch from a Medicare Advantage plan that includes prescription drug coverage to one that does not
- switch from a Medicare Advantage plan that doesn’t include prescription drug coverage to one that does
- join, switch, or drop a Part D prescription drug plan
Reasons Clients switch Medicare plans during AEP :
- Cost of Coverage – Copays, Deductibles, Rx Coverage, Network Restrictions
- Changing Needs – New Part D plan, switching from one MAPD to another, Going back to Original Medicare / adding a Supplement
- Plan Changes – Network changes, Formulary changes, Ancillary Benefits, ETC
- Changes in Eligibility – Moved to a new service area, ageing in, gained DSNP or LIS status
Leveraging your existing book of business should be at the top of your open enrollment planning checklist right now.

Current Book of Business - Client Retention is Key
- Drill down on each client’s current policy and strategize on any changes that could help make their coverage a more advantageous fit, whether it’s a cost break overall or an expanded benefits package. A spreadsheet could get the job done, but a CRM with policy tracking will make easy work of this arduous task.
- Your role as an agent is to not only sell products and services to your clients, but also act as a trusted health insurance consultant. And though Medicare Marketing Guidelines prohibit you from trying to influence clients on what coverage to purchase or change, you’re allowed to answer their questions about plan specifics. Reaching out to your customers periodically (say once a quarter) to ask about their general coverage satisfaction is a great way to stay on their radar while getting (and keeping) a handle on their changing healthcare needs.
- A best practice when it comes to customer retention is to get out of the “always be closing” mindset — every client communication needn’t have selling as the reason for reaching out. Sending a personal note or card every so often is a great relationship builder; birthdays as well as holidays are a good time to recognize your customers and thank them for their business. If you’re using a CRM with automated workflows, you can also utilize email templates to customize and schedule additional communications for open enrollment period outreach and beyond.

Focus on Educating, Not Selling Nobody likes to feel like they’re being sold to, especially when the product is something they aren’t sure they really need. People research and buy products that they feel they need or will benefit from — insurance products aren’t any different. The thing is, gathering information on insurance can be challenging for the average consumer. Instead of taking advantage of your prospects’ lack of knowledge, use the opportunity to educate them and establish yourself as their go-to guru for insurance-related needs. How?
- Break things down into layman’s terms
- Provide them with charts and illustrations
- Give them recommendations but let them feel comfortable making their own choice
- Partner up with your local Dedicated Senior Center MGC
- Grassroots Marketing
- Social Media Posts
- Facebook
- Linkedin
- Instagram
- Twitter
- Medicare Lock Boxes
- Local Mom & Pop Pharmacies that are in-network
- Doctors Offices
- Partner up with Doctor Offices
- Go into the Provider Directory and look up local Primary Doctors and Specialist
- Bring in a box of Donuts to the girls at the front desk and introduce yourself
- Bring your business cards/brochures and talk to them about being their Florida Blue Representative and let them know you are here for any client questions or needs